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  • richardcpiper

Photos from Suan Sati Post #17

I have found that posting photos on the Wix blog site is getting harder and harder (taking forever to download). I suspect that the site has some size parameters that I am exceeding and they want more money to expand the site's photo capabilities. Well, I may have found a way to defeat the profiteering. I have a computer consultant (my ski buddy, Tom Strauch) who showed me how to create Google albums (I know, I am late to that game) and then provide a link to the photo album in the post. So here is the first effort. I am still looking for a better way to caption, but if I try to get everything right the first time, this post will never get out of my computer. So here goes:

I did get this one photo to download and it is my dear wife in the ice bath. Had to keep this one in the post.

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